Sortal numeral classifiers

Appearing between the numeral and noun, sortal numeral classifiers provide numeral constructions with additional grammatical, rather than semantic, information.[1] These words may serve the sortal numeral classifier function alone (specific), or they may be independent nouns as well (nonspecific). [2] Their use is either optional or required.


NoClsfr: Sortal numeral classifiers do not exist in the language.

OblClsfrSpec: Sortal numeral classifiers are required in numeral constructions, and their use is limited to this function.

OblClsfrNonspec: Sortal numeral classifiers are required in numeral constructions, and their use is not limited to this function.

OptClsfrSpec: Sortal numeral classifiers are optional in numeral constructions, and their use is limited to this function.

OptClsfrNonspec: Sortal numeral classifiers are optional in numeral constructions, and their use is not limited to this function.


[1] Compare to mensural numeral classifiers, which provide additional semantic information, such as a glass of water.

[2] In the latter case, the sortal numeral classifier may appear before the same lexeme as a noun, as in the Indonesian se orang orang ‘a person.’