This parameter considers the strategies and word order used to express modal possibility (Psbl), including the use of affixes and independent words. Basic intransitive[1] sentences should be considered.
NoPsbl: Possibility is expressed through clause-level strategies, rather than verbal modality.
NoMorfPsbl: Possibility is expressed by a strategy that does not rely on separate, identifiable morphemes.[2]
PrefPsbl: Possibility is expressed through the use of prefixes attaching to the verb stem.
InfPsbl: Possibility is expressed through the use of infixes inserted into the verb stem.
SuffPsbl: Possibility is expressed through the use of suffixes attaching to the verb stem.
CrcfPsbl: Possibility is expressed through the use of circumfixes attaching to the verb stem.
VPsbl: Possibility is expressed through the use of an independent word that appears (indirectly or directly) after the verb.
PsblV: Possibility is expressed through the use of an independent word that appears (indirectly or directly) before the verb.
When a language displays more than one strategy, multiple values can be listed, with the exception of NoPsbl. If one type of strategy is dominant, a slash (/) can separate the values, with the dominant value appearing first; if there is no dominant strategies, the values should be listed with an ampersand (&) separating the two.
[1] For example, consider verbs such as come, go, etc.
[2] This value includes the use of internal flexion and tone.