Syntactic distribution of person marking within possessed nouns alongside nominal possessors

Languages in which the person, number, gender or class of the possessor can be marked on the possessed noun may restrict use of such affixes according to the given syntactic environment.[1] This parameter considers this syntactic distribution among possessed nouns appearing alongside nominal possessors.


NoPossAff: Possession is not marked through the use of affixes on the possessed.[2]

PossAff: The use of affixes on the possessed is obligatory for all nouns.

GenPossNonaff: Possessed nouns cannot be marked with possessive affixes when they appear alongside a nominal possessor.[3]

GenAffPossNonaff1: Possessed nouns cannot be marked with possessive affixes when they appear alongside affixed possessor nouns; otherwise, the use of a possessive affix is obligatory.[4]

GenAffPossNonaff2: Possessed nouns cannot be marked with possessive affixes when they appear alongside affixed possessor nouns; otherwise, the use of a possessive affix is optional.

GenPossAff~Nonaff: Possessed nouns are optionally marked with possessive affixes; or, the use of such affixes is determined by considerations other than the form of the possessor noun.

GenAffPossAff~Nonaff1: Possessed nouns cannot be marked with possessive affixes, unless they appear alongside affixed possessor nouns, in which case such marking is optional.

GenAffPossAff~Nonaff2: Possessed nouns are obligatorily marked with possessive affixes, unless they appear alongside affixed possessor nouns, in which case such marking is optional.


[1] Syntactic distribution is not to be confused with semantic distribution, addressed in the parameter Semantic distribution of personal possessive affixes.

[2] If this value applies, the language cannot display any of the following values for the parameter Nominal possessive constructions: PossSuff, PossPref, PossSuffGenSuff, PossPrefGenPref, GenSuff&PossPrefSuff, or GenPref&PossPreffSuff.

[3] This value can only apply if affixes can mark possession on the possessed alongside pronominal possessors, whether optionally or obligatorily. Otherwise, the language should be classified as NoPossAff.

[4] This value can only apply to languages that distinguish between affixed and non­affixed possessors. If only one type is allowed, the language cannot display any GenAff­ values.