Word order of numeral and noun

This parameter considers the word order of a numeral with respect to the noun it modifies[1]. Languages fall into one of four types: the numeral may precede or follow the noun, both orders may be possible, or the numeral may function as an adverbial modifying the verb. This parameter does not distinguish basic word order from dominant word order, but if the use of any of the possible word orders conveys additional meaning, these orders should be disregarded in favor of those that do not convey additional meaning.[2] The question of whether the numeral or noun is the head of the phrase is also not relevant to this parameter.


NoNumDWO: There is no dominant order.[3]

NumN: In the dominant order, the numeral precedes the noun.

NNum: In the dominant order, the noun precedes the numeral.

V(Num): The numeral does not modify the noun, but instead functions as an adverbial modifying the verb; it may be either an independent word or an affix.[4]


[1] This parameter only considers relative word order, and so any numeral classifiers that may appear between these two items should be disregarded for this parameter.

[2] For example, Russian offers an unambiguous example of NumN, despite allowing the reverse word order as well. Since NNum conveys approximation, it is disregarded from consideration.

[3] The commentary should specify what this means in the given language. Choice of word order may be free or restricted by specific factors, such as the numeral in question. If word order differs for only one numeral, the standard order is considered the dominant word order. If it diverges for two or more numerals, however, the language can be considered to have no dominant word order. Sometimes the use of a specific word order may be limited to larger numerals, or to specific numerals, such as 10 or 20. With compound numerals, the larger numeral may precede the noun, while the smaller numeral follows it; this is called the “twenty people and two” type. In such cases, dominant word order is based on the digit in the ones place.

[4] This should be detailed in the commentary.