Adverbs of manner (Mnr) are verbal adjuncts that answer the question How?.[1] Their basic word order is determined based on the basic transitive word order of the language, as detailed in the parameter Basic word order (S, V, O). To determine this basic word order, it is necessary to examine sentences that fulfill the criteria listed in the parameter Basic word order (S, V, O) and furthermore contain an adverb of manner.
- If the language displays value NoBWO for parameter Basic word order (S, V, O), its value for this parameter is by default NoMnrBWO.
- If the language displays a value other than NoBWO, its basic word order can be determined by examining the position of Mnr relative to V and O.
Only the relative order of V, O, and Mnr should be taken into consideration.[2]
NoMnrBWO: There is no basic word order.
VO~Mnr: The basic word order is VO; the position of adverbs of manner varies.[3]
OV~Mnr: The basic word order is OV; the position of adverbs of manner varies.
MnrVO: The basic word order is MnrVO.
VMnrO: The basic word order is VMnrO.[4]
VOMnr: The basic word order is VOMnr.
MnrOV: The basic word order is MnrOV.
OMnrV: The basic word order is OMnrV.
OVMnr: The basic word order is OVMnr.
When a language displays more than one type, multiple values can be listed. If one type is dominant, a slash (/) can separate the two values, with the dominant value appearing first; if neither is dominant, they are listed with an ampersand (&) separating the two.
[1] These adverbs or adverbials may be inflected, uninflected, or adpositional noun phrases.
[2] Since the position of the subject is not considered, both SVO and VSO would constitute VO, for example.
[3] If only two of the possible three options occur, this should be noted in the commentary. This also applies to value OV~Mnr.
[4] Although this basic word order is theoretically possible, it has not yet been documented in any language.