A noun adjunct (also termed attributive noun) is a noun, other than the head noun, that appears in a noun phrase and modifies the head as an attribute.[1] Depending on the language, it may or may not show agreement with the head noun in terms of number and case. This should be determined by considering oblique cases.[2]
NoCase: There is no case system.
NoNXCaseAgr: There is no case agreement between head nouns and their adjuncts in general.
NoNNCaseAgr: Case agreement exists, but it does not apply in the case of head nouns and their noun adjuncts.
When a language displays more than one type, multiple values can be listed. If one type is dominant, a slash (/) can separate the two values, with the dominant value appearing first; if neither is dominant, they are listed with a plus sign (+) separating the two. The listing of multiple values should be explained in the commentary.
[1] Examples include My friend the engineer, Principal John Smith, and Fido the dog.
[2] Oblique cases may include the locative, lative, instrumental, and comitative.